Users of Durham’s American Tobacco Trail should take note of a temporary detour to accommodate the Apex Street Bridge demolition work that is now underway.
The City of Durham’s Department of Public Works is beginning the next step in completing a new trail connection from the Southside/St. Theresa Neighborhood to the American Tobacco Trail. The demolition of the Apex Street Bridge is the second component of the project and will take place over the next few weeks. The first step in the project has been completed with the construction of a new ramp connecting the American Tobacco Trail to Apex Street. Due to the bridge demolition, a detour of the American Tobacco Trail is required between West Enterprise Street and Apex Street and began on May 27, 2009. The detour will remain in place for approximately four weeks.
Users of the American Tobacco Trail should note that the trail will not be passable from West Enterprise Street south to Apex Street during this period and they will be required to use a detour. American Tobacco Trail traffic between Apex Street and West Enterprise Street will be diverted from the trail to Fargo Street. The newly constructed ramp will serve as an access point for the detour. Signage providing directions to the detour will be posted on the trail.
For additional information regarding this project, including a map of this scheduled detour, visit the City’s web site or contact Kyle Butler, civil engineer with the City’s Department of Public Works, at (919) 560-4326 or via e-mail at