Good News for trail users frequenting the ATT crossing at O’Kelly Chapel Road! Based on the 9 day monitoring of users crossing O’Kelly by volunteers with TRTC and vehicle speeds and numbers monitoring by DOT, DOT has installed 35 mph advisory signs for both directions. These are not legally enforceable limits, but these yellow advisory signs are very often effective in lowering the average speed of motorists passing through trail crossings. This is still a potentially dangerous crossing due to the limited sight lines by motorists and the enforceable limit of 50 mph. Users have suggested having blinking yellow lights installed at this crossing. We’ll be exploring getting these as long term safety upgrades through the MPO planning process. July 21 Update: District 8 DOT has pulled together a study group to look at options for improved signage and other changes to improve safety at O’Kelly and similar road crossings. More on this as findings emerge.