During 2016 TRTC has continued efforts to improve the safety at the very busy crossing at O’Kelly Chapel Road. In mid-May our funding resulted in the installation of 3 new signs at each side of the crossing to better alert trail users of actions required as they approach this road. (see image) The Town of Cary funded identical signs for the crossing at New Hope Church Road. In August our long-term advocacy with NC DOT resulted in a lowering of the enforceable speed limit from 50 to 45 mph. As a result of this change and the added pedestrian signs installed in 2015, there are indications that through traffic may have slowed somewhat and more motorists are slowing or stopping as they pass through this crossing. DOT has also indicated they will be installing center line rumble strips at this crossing later this Fall.
We are still working with the Chatham County Commissioners to obtain funding for the installation of user-activated signal lights at O’Kelly. These would be large (~12″ in diameter), amber lights similar to those used at school crossings which would flash only when activated by a trail user. Over the past year the Commissioners have indicated support for this improvement and are expected to decide on Bike/Ped projects to be funded at their December meeting.